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מאי עדות

  • 1 עדות

    עֵדוּתf. (b. h.; v. עֵד) testimony, evidence. Ber.14b כאילו מעיד ע׳וכ׳ as if offering evidence of falsehood against himself. Succ.29a מעידי ע׳ שקר those who give false witness. Sabb.22b (ref. to Lev. 24:3) ע׳ היא לבאי עולםוכ׳ it (the light in the Temple) is an evidence to mankind that the Divine Presence dwells in Israel; Men.86b. Ib. מאי עֵדוּתָהּ how did it give evidence (of the Divine Presence)?; Sabb. l. c. מאי עדות (corr. acc., as Ms. M.). Macc.5a גופה של ע׳ (not עדיות) the testimony to the fact itself, v. סָרָה. Ib. I, 7 אם מתקיימת הע׳ בשניםוכ׳ if an evidence is legally established by two witnesses, why does the Scripture mention three? Ib. 8. מה שנים … עֵדוּתָן בטלהוכ׳ as in the case of two witnesses, if one of them is found out to be a relative or a disqualified witness, their testimony is void, so in the case of three Ex. R. s. 41 מה כלה … כל מי שיודע לי ע׳וכ׳ as the bride … on entering her chamber (in procession) uncovers her face, as if saying, whoever knows any evidence against me, let him come …, so must the scholar ; Yalk. ib. 391; Cant. R. to IV, 11 וזו עֵדוּתִי מעידה עלי and this (procession) is my testimonial testifying for me; a. v. fr.Trnsf. (v. סַהֲדוּ) tokens of virginity. Gen. R. s. 60 ממקים עֵדוּתָן Ar. (ed. ערותן) at the seat of virginity. Ib. s. 45; s. 51 הוציאו עדותן Ar. (ed.; Yalk. ib. 79 ערותן).Pl., עֵדָיוֹת. Macc.I, 9 הרי אלו שתי ע׳ these are two testimonies (two independent sets of witnesses); a. fr.‘Eduyoth, name of a treatise, of the Order of Nziḳin, of the Mishnah and Tosefta, containing statements of traditional deliveries and rules. Ber.28a ע׳ בו ביום נשנית on that day ‘Eduyoth was taught.

    Jewish literature > עדות

  • 2 עֵדוּת

    עֵדוּתf. (b. h.; v. עֵד) testimony, evidence. Ber.14b כאילו מעיד ע׳וכ׳ as if offering evidence of falsehood against himself. Succ.29a מעידי ע׳ שקר those who give false witness. Sabb.22b (ref. to Lev. 24:3) ע׳ היא לבאי עולםוכ׳ it (the light in the Temple) is an evidence to mankind that the Divine Presence dwells in Israel; Men.86b. Ib. מאי עֵדוּתָהּ how did it give evidence (of the Divine Presence)?; Sabb. l. c. מאי עדות (corr. acc., as Ms. M.). Macc.5a גופה של ע׳ (not עדיות) the testimony to the fact itself, v. סָרָה. Ib. I, 7 אם מתקיימת הע׳ בשניםוכ׳ if an evidence is legally established by two witnesses, why does the Scripture mention three? Ib. 8. מה שנים … עֵדוּתָן בטלהוכ׳ as in the case of two witnesses, if one of them is found out to be a relative or a disqualified witness, their testimony is void, so in the case of three Ex. R. s. 41 מה כלה … כל מי שיודע לי ע׳וכ׳ as the bride … on entering her chamber (in procession) uncovers her face, as if saying, whoever knows any evidence against me, let him come …, so must the scholar ; Yalk. ib. 391; Cant. R. to IV, 11 וזו עֵדוּתִי מעידה עלי and this (procession) is my testimonial testifying for me; a. v. fr.Trnsf. (v. סַהֲדוּ) tokens of virginity. Gen. R. s. 60 ממקים עֵדוּתָן Ar. (ed. ערותן) at the seat of virginity. Ib. s. 45; s. 51 הוציאו עדותן Ar. (ed.; Yalk. ib. 79 ערותן).Pl., עֵדָיוֹת. Macc.I, 9 הרי אלו שתי ע׳ these are two testimonies (two independent sets of witnesses); a. fr.‘Eduyoth, name of a treatise, of the Order of Nziḳin, of the Mishnah and Tosefta, containing statements of traditional deliveries and rules. Ber.28a ע׳ בו ביום נשנית on that day ‘Eduyoth was taught.

    Jewish literature > עֵדוּת

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